Well, it's been a LONG time since I have updated this crazy thing, so I guess I had better post something before all of you (Like Josh) start to think I was just a figment of your imaginations. So here goes:
First off, today is my first day back in classes...
My feelings = This sucks.
I know that I should have a better attitude...perhaps I should be thankful for the structure that this wonderful institution is adding back into my life...but instead I am stuck thinking about how on earth I am going to survive getting up a 6am everyday to make the drive into Sussex for my first class. Right now I'm trying to stay motivated by reminding myself that it's only for 3 months.
In other news...
I'm still married. Sometimes I wonder how Renata can stand to put up with me...but then I am reminded that I am awesome :) Actually being married is an amazing thing...and it constantly reminds me how much I have to learn about myself and others.
There are no babies on the way...nor do I foresee any in the near future. This is for many reasons:
1. I'm really not that good looking...so I can only convince Renata to be "intimate" with me when she is drunk. (I'm just kidding...of course that was obvious to you, because we all know I am EXTREMELY good looking).
2. Babies cost money...and I am a student....nuff said.
3. Babies are painful. Or so Renata seems to think...it may take some convincing on this one for her to be okay with the idea.
4. Babies are attention grabbers...and Emma (our cat) already steals alot of Renata's attention from me...I mean do I REALLY want to bring more competition into my house.
5. Okay...time for a little more serious reason. The timing right now doesn't seem completely right. Some day I would love to have a little version of Renata or I running around (as scary as that may be for the rest of the world) but I want to make sure that we are able to give it the love, comfort and security that it needs. And right now we both know that we can't.
What else...
Well, I've decided to do my intership at Saint John First Wesleyan. It was something that Renata and I debated for many months, but we finally got our answer on Christmas Eve when God clearly informed us that His plan was for us to stay there. So, we are. We are aware that it mean some possible struggles...but in the end we know that we will only be happy following His will.
Along with that we are considering buying a small house or condo in Saint John, since it seems like a better option than simply lighting our money on fire each month (paying rent). Right now this is little more than a glimmer in our eyes, since we both know so little about that kind of stuff. Welcome to REAL world I guess.
I could probably go on and on, since it's been SO long since I posted on here....but instead I think I will end there.