Monday, January 23, 2006

Things I Learned Today Strikes Back!

Well, it's occured to me that I actually have nothing useful to contribute to society or the internet, so here's another useless list...because like my Dad always says, "If you can't can't write something worthwhile, write something totally useless and waste everyone's time by forcing them to read it" (Except replace "my Dad" with "some guy who probably doesn't exist".

1. I have absolutely no concept of the proper order in which the Star Wars movies came out...Hence I titled this post "Theings I Learned Today Strikes Back!" after "The Empire Strikes Back", however this post is the third installment of "Things I Learned Today", while "The Empire Strikes Back" was (to my knowledge) the second Star Wars movie to be made. (Also I think it was Episode 5). Anyway, I hope that doesn't completely alienate all of you Star Wars fans out there. Hey here's a question: If Star Trek fans are called Trekkies, what are Star Wars fans called?

2. Classes are just as boring with "Special Speakers" as they are with the old run-of-the-mill teachers.

3. Tom Hanks was involved in the TV Series "Band of Brothers". I have no idea as to the capacity of his involvement...although I'm assuming it was co-director...but basically that makes yet another thing Tom Hanks has done that I have not. For those of you keeping tally , the current total is Tom Hanks = 138,574 -vs- Paul = 2.

4. Making fun of Jon and his pathetic internet is only funny until you have to use it.

5. According to Josh (and his extensive research) there are currently no plans to make a Trans-Atlantic bridge from North America to Europe. So...this could be a real opportunity for any engineers out there. (BTW Josh, your plans made me chortle)

6. Neither Chris or I have any real clue as to how to spell "chortle" fact, Chris has never heard the word before. I was under the impression that it was a type of mild laughter, but maybe it isn't actually a word.

7. Okay, I didn't learn this today...but being at number 7 just made me wonder about something: Why do we associate 7 with being a lucky number? Is there any sort of historical reason for this?

8. The Chinese have a character for the word "Smorking" which isn't actually a word (At least to my knowledge).

9. Combining Pink and Green seems to be very popular right now.

10. You rarely get a job if you fail to give the employer your application. (This is a special note for Jon, since he has had an application for Ultramar on his desk now for over 2 weeks).

Well, there you have you can see I am wasting my tuition...since very little of this was actually learned in the classroom.



Blogger Nata said...

I love you!

12:29 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

1. Rob and my mom used to call me "Chortle". I had repressed that until reading your list. Thanks.

2. The number 7...those crazy Jews are at it again.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Warrior said...

i said 'chortle' on the bus today and i think it might mean something bad here because the woman beside me sacked me and the man standing over me spit in my ear.

4:14 AM  

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