My New Promise...
For Charles' sake I am promising to, from this point on, get REALLY angry if anyone "flips me off". I mean REALLY angry...the kind of angry where your head almost explodes. (I didn't really want to put in the word "almost" but of course if my head DID explode then I'd be dead. Unless of course I had some super power where I could grow a new that guy in the "Men in Black" movies. However, as super powers go...I don't think that's on the top of my list).
Speaking of "the bird", that brings up an funny memory. When I was growing up, my best friend's dad wanted to teach his son that the middle finger didn't inherently mean something bad. In order to accomplish this, he told his son that it meant "Merry Christmas". So whenever he would drive by us, he would give us "the finger", and we would return it back to him and shout "Merry Christmas!" Thinking back on it now, I have to wonder what the neighbors all thought of us when they witness it. Of course, one things for sure...they could be confident that we weren't 12 killer seals armed with rocket launchers.
wow. your brain is very random.
i like it.
When people flip me off, I like to wave back in the most overtly friendly yet sarcastic manner I can manage. Big smiles. Good times.
i thik whenever someone flips you off you should start throwing very big objects all over the place...and if one hits them..well, that's their fault.
Embrace the bird...become the bird.
Can you imagine taking Charles' last comment seriously,a nd walking around in a middle finger halloween costume? SENSOR!
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