The Passing of Technology...
I'm beginning to believe that there is a direct corelation (probably spelled that incorrectly, but I'm too anti-technology to use spell checker) between aging and the disregard of technological advancements. I don't mean that as you get older you stop keeping up with technology, although that sometimes happens...I mean that as you get older, you actually start going backwards in advancements.
I'm basing this on myself...lately I've taken to working on yellow note pads. What's that about? I mean I can do things WAY faster, and edit them on a computer...but instead I prefer the notepad.
I've also started using a REAL calendar as opposed to the online calendar I usually use.
This is really scaring me. At this rate, I estimate that by the age of 40 I will no longer have running water in my house.
Wll, I can built you an outhouse with ye olde analog hammer, saw and nails. And a shovel... You dig a ho-le, you dig a ho-le...
i think you are on to something (either that or on something). I have stopped playing playstations and have gone back to the first nintendo. and i got rid of my cell phone a few years ago and am thinking of getting rid of my regular phone
Well written article.
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