New Improved Nyquill...We're Hoping It Doesn't Kill You This Time!
So this past Tuesday morning I began to have that "oh no, I think I'm getting sick" feeling. You know the one I'm talking about. I'm sure the "feelings" are different for everyone, but in my case there are certian things that start to happen...and when they do, I can usually be pretty certain that I am about to take a turn for the worst. Which I did...
By Tuesday evening I was contemplating hiring a hitman to put me out of my misery. In fact, by late evening I had a fever that got so out of control that I actually started to Hallucinate. (Which is something that hasn't happened to me since I was a child). And to make matters worse, we really didn't have any appropriate medicine in the house to counter I just had to suffer through it until Wednesday morning when the stores re-opened.
Yesterday, my loving wife headed off to the pharmacy to pick me up some medicine. The process she went through probably took awhile, especially since the list of symptoms I expressed didn't really match any of those listed on the boxes. ("Hmmm...let's see...this one deals with fever, this one deals with sore throats...excuse me, do any of these deal with 'my whole body feels like it is being stabbed by a savage army of imps'?) Anyway...long story short, she chose DayQuill/NyQuill liguid caps.
First, let me commend the good people over at "Quill" for a terrific product that so far is helping alot. (Please send check or money order for endorsement to...)
However, the real thing I want to highlight here is what I noticed on the bold letters it said "New Formula". Which kinda got me thinking, because I wasn't sure how I felt about it...
For starters, it didn't have the word "Improved" in there am I supposed to be happy about this new formula? I mean maybe the new formula is actually half as effective so that you need to take more of them, which in turn increases sales for the company. If that's the case, then I hate the new formula!
Secondly, it makes me wonder what was wrong with the "old formula"? Especially since I have taken it on occassion. Was there some crazy side effect to it? Like, perhaps it could turn you into a rabbit or worse...kill you? ( death REALLY worse then being turned into a rabbit?)
Finally, it made me a little nervous about what they DIDN'T know about the "new formula". I mean, the old one worked pretty well...but apparently could turn you into a rabbit...but what can the new one do? Which brings me to the main reason for this post...if you see the following:
- A human sized rabbit (hopefully sans fever).
- A leprechaun with a head made out of Lucky Charms.
- 12 Killer seals armed with rocket launchers.
- She-Ra.
...don't be alarmed. It's just me, after the side effects from the "new formula". PLEASE don't shoot me...that will not help me get better.
(On second thought, you probably SHOULD be alarmed if you see 12 Killer Seals armed with rocket launchers...10 or 11 is no cause for panic...but 12...that's scary).
hey rainman.
thanks for stopping by my little blog world. i see you are from new brunswick which makes you a hero because i orginate from the NB as well. Rothesday actually, just outside of SJ. mentioned i commented on some guys blog named Geoff Hooper. i"m sure I did cuz i just comment on people's blog all the time, never really knowing how I found their blog in the first place...but I don't recall the name. I usually more recall the title of their which one was it?
cheers boy! hope you feel better
See, here's the deal. If you expect me to be able to discern between yourself being turned into 12 killer seals armed with rocket launchers and just a plain ol' bunch of 12 killer seals armed with rocket launchers, you've gotta give me a signal. How about this...if I see the aforementioned seals, I'll flick them off...if they don't care, it's probably just real seals, but if it's you, you've gotta get angry. Ok?
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