An Ordinary Life...
Everyday, for the past week, I've been logging onto here with thoughts of posting something. The problem is...what. Lately, not alot has really been happening that's worth mentioning. I guess I am just living an average, ordinary life.
At first that realization was kind of depressing. My life is so boring that I can't even think of anything to write. But then it hit me...things could be worse. I use the term "hit me" pretty loosely, because really it was brought on by studying 1 Peter. He spends five chapters basically encouraging people who are suffering for Christ...and as I read it for the millionth time I realized how lucky I am (in some ways) to not be one of them. (I say in some ways, because as Peter points out there are definite pluses to suffering for Christ). Each day I can wake up and openly thank God for another sunrise. Every sunday i can go to church without fear (At least not yet). I can talk to my friends, family and even strangers about Christ without worrying about breaking any laws or being martyred for my faith. So yeah...maybe I do just live an average ordinary life...but I'm so lucky to be so.