Friday, February 03, 2006

Dreams, Big Jumps and Stephanie's...

Okay...first of all dreaming.
Am I the only one that feels that you can control your dreams? Renata and I were having this argument last night: She suggested that lucid dreaming is not within our control, while I suggested that you can, provided you realize that you are dreaming. I say this from my experience:

When I was "little" I used to get terrible nightmares. In fact, it seemed like every night some creature , person or possibly even flowers were kicking my butt...until one day I decided enough was enough and I began to fight back. Since that point I have developed the ability to take control of my dreams and interact with them as I see fit. I haven't been able to completely alter them, but simply interact and change my situation...for example if a giant is attacking me I can't make myself a giant, but I can some how give myself giant strength and fight back.

(Back on the nightmare of the nightmares I constantly had as a small child was that the Easter Bunny was out to get me...that's how pathetic I was).

As for my dream last was out there. I dreamed that Jon, Some random girl and I were on a trip...driving in a van. Then Jon decided to jump this bridge thing...and I mean jump! We flew about a thousand feet up in the air and came smashing down on the other side....actually as we were falling I said "Oh wow, we're definitely going to die". But we didn't instead we somehow survived...and miraculously so did the was one of the old Dodge Caravans...they don't make them like that any more (Able to withstand massive jumps).

Anyway, once we landed we realized that the police would likely be coming because they would consider a 1000ft high jump reckless driving, so we got out of the van to hide. Instead of the police, two guys straight out of the 80's showed up in an old school Pontiac Firebird and began chasing us...At this point I interacted with the dream and gave myself the ability to kick 80's butt. And thus began the flight of a life time. Ironically Jon just hid while the girl took on the other guy. We kicked their mullet sporting butts, got back in the van and then I woke up to my alarm.

Now....Stephanie. First let me say that I have had bad luck in the past with Stephanies and am starting to think that you are a Anti-Hibernite. Is this true! As for the sickness thing...we would develop some drugs to counteract that and a special pajama suite that would ensure cleanliness during the full sleep cycle. Oh and just to be clear...I am a visionary here! That doesn't mean I need to fix every single problem!



Blogger Billings said...

Hid? I just hid? Highly unlikely seeing as I took the 80's head on back in the 90's with my mullet. Come on Paul I know you remember the mullet days or yore...

1:27 PM  
Blogger matthew said...

I can only control about 5% of my dreams. As soon as I realize I'm dreaming, I can make such adjustments, as you said.

So once again Nata is wrong.

2:45 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

The only dream I remember taking control of was the one where I was somehow thrust into the world of Mortal Kombat and I had to fight Goro. Now that was a sweet dream.

11:24 PM  
Blogger S.I. said...

Hey, don't get on my case just because I'm being logical. Just think of me as one who helps you enhance your ideas. I like the pajama suit one:-) uh oh....what if the pajama suit malfunction s? Will there be special teams of pajama suit-fixers that will come and make the proper repairs to your body-tent as you remain asleep? ;-)
(you don't need to answer that)

I'm starting to have bad luck with Pauls and Tweedys, and you're both.

I can control about 50% of my dreams for the record, though I don't always realize, "hey! I'm dreaming!" Some people think lucid dreaming is bad, and they actually have kits out there so that you can become a lucid dreamer...I'm no expert though, I just remember talking to a new Christian about it, and it was weird stuff, but he might have been on drugs when he was lucid dreaming or something...

I get an A+ for the longest comment;-)

2:58 PM  

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