Monday, February 06, 2006

Doing life...together.

I just read a post, on another blog by Rob Meeks, and he made a comment that really caught my attention because I've been really thinking about the same thing lately. As Christians, we've really gotten out of the whole "doing life" together thing. More and more we seem to compartmentalize our faith until we almost have two lives: The everyday world me and the spiritual me. I don't believe God ever made us to be that way. We look at our churches and wonder why they are struggling...when to me this seems like a major reason. We come together a couple of times a week to worship, maybe have a Bible Study or a prayer group...but that's not life. Don't get me wrong...those are all great things...but sometimes it seems like we are focusing on head knowledge and not heart experience.

As the body of Christ we should be united and living life together at all times...not just once or twice a week. I look at how the Jews taught their children in the Bible and how Jesus taught his disciples and I long for that. To just be around great mentors and have them poor out their wisdom whenever they can....and I long to do the same.

I realize this is a bit of a rant, but really this is a post to remind me of what is truly important, because in a few months I will be responsible for seeing that this comes true. One of my responsibilities at Saint John First is going likely going to be working with the small groups and getting systems in place for them...and I want to be reminded that the main goal is just to live life together. So many leaders spend all their time searching for the right material and curriculum (Which is good) but small groups are meant to be more than that. Anyway...just needed to say that to myself.



Blogger Warrior said...

I'm in. Let's try somewhere exotic though. So we can start this community thing from scratch and not have any molds we have to fit into. Like say maybe the Congo, or Vietnam.

3:23 AM  
Blogger S.I. said...

can I vacation there in the summer too?

9:12 AM  

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