Friday, March 17, 2006

Consistently Inconsistent

It's been awhile since I've blogged...not because I haven't had any good ideas, but mostly because I'm lazy and inconsistent when it comes to actually writing these ideas out.

So let me ask you guys a question...
Have any of you been to Russia lately?

I personally have fact I've never been there, but I've spent some time thinking about former Red Communists and a thought popped into my mind. What if there was no collapse? What if the Communists are still in power in Mother Russia and this is all part of a cleverly thought out plan to take over the world? It makes sense...people were hot on their trail, constantly watching they "pretend" to fall from power to get the attention off them. Meanwhile they are lying in wait, watching and planning...waiting for the right time to strike. I could be wrong...but then again I could be right.

I've also come up with a much more cost effective way to help people quit smoking. I call it virtual smoking. They say that people usually have a harder time getting over the routine more then they do the actual let's make a computer program that simulates the routine. People in offices all over North America could pop onto the program every few hours and have a simulated smoke (Cancer free) and relax for a few minutes in their chairs. Wow, just talking about is making me crave one...anyone have a virtual light?

I was just looking in Jon's bathrooom, and I noticed that he has alot of Nivea For Men stuff...which gave me a flashback to my childhood. When I was little my Mom was always putting Nivea cream on my face if I had a sunburn and maybe even just randomly. Does that mean that all this time I was using female cosmetics?



Blogger t4stywh34t said...

I can't believe I can actually say this, but yes, I've been to Russia recently (last March). I don't think the commies are really in power any more, at least literally. I think they used the grand ol' platitude of "if I'm going down, I'm bringing everyone else down with me" on their way out, though, because life kinda sucks over there. The government's still a tad corrupt, little kids get drunk before's quite depressing. But the Church is making headway over there a bit, which is great.

12:47 PM  
Blogger S.I. said...

No, The Russians have no chance in a world where there are Italians.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Warrior said...

here's a little 'insider' information. Don't count the Russians out.

6:00 PM  
Blogger S.I. said...

Maybe so, but in the end, The Italians are in charge:-)

Maybe I should say, the ITALIAN AMERICANS, OR in fact, STEPHANIE IMMORDINO!!!

11:18 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

Steph, I do believe you underestimate the Russians.

11:18 PM  
Blogger S.I. said...

Can you play doctor again?

10:05 AM  
Blogger S.I. said...

BTW, I wasn't underestimating the Russians, I was just trying to wave my little Italian-American flag in bloggerdom:-)

10:07 AM  

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