Monday, February 20, 2006

Some advice from Dr. Paul

First of all, I have to thank Jo for mentioning Dr. Paul...I really like the sound of that. And you are correct, I am nothing like Dr. Phil...Ha, he's so behind the times...still trying to treat issues at the mental level...I bet he has no concept of the sub-atomic problems causing these issues.

Okay, now I thought I would answer some questions:

1. Is there a waiting list to see Dr. Paul?

Well, I am a busy man...but for the right people (money) I am willing to make openings in my schedule.

2. Stephanie writes, "BTW, everytime I see the name Geoff in print, I think "Jee-Off". Kind of like when you see Colonel and have to say Ker-nel. How dumb is English."

I realize this is not a question, but I can't but notice that Stephanie appears to be struggling at the very sub-atomic level of her being. This is evidenced not only in the above statement, but also in the fact that she ended her "How dumb is English" rhetorical question with a "." as opposed to a "?". Obviously she has some serious issues...and for those of you close to her, be warned: She may be dangerous. Remember it only takes a few misaligned atoms to turn a harmless Italian girl into a savage beast of destruction.

3. Geoff writes, "And doctor, I seem to have an unhealthy self-image, is there any way we can alter my basic molecular structure so that I look, say, more like Brad Pitt? Honestly, I totally get that one, ladies. Dude is hot."

First of all, I'd like to say that I am really impressed with the progress you have already made... by complimenting Brad Pitt you are showing that you are in touch with your feminine side and that the next step towards a healthy self image is to simply learn to love you for least that is what a fool like Dr. Phil may say. Unfortunately that is a total load of crap. You are unhappy with your self image because frankly you are ugly. Not a surface ugliness, but ugly at your very have what has come to be called negative-protonic-depression. There is nothing wrong with your outer is your cellular structure that is causing the problems. And that my friend can be fixed.

The process is still experimental, but thus far has had a 98% success rate with only mild side effects. The process itself involves extracting protons from a male lion (known for their pride and postive self esteem) and then implanting it into the subject. In a matter of minutes these new atoms begin to attack the old negative protons and replace them, thus curing the patient.

In some cases there have been a few side effects such as increased body hair growth, a tendency to growl from time to time, increased laziness, elevated agression and the occassionaly overwhelming desire to chase zebras.

Also there was one documented case of a young male becoming violent and killing 13 other patients with his finger nails and teeth....but this is a rare phenomenon.

4. Rob writes, "Dr. Paul, can you treat compulsive gambling? I mean it's not for me, it's for a friend I know, from work...who's name is...Kohlbert...Kohlbert Schmeeks, yea, he's a friend from work."

Well Rob, your "friend" has two serious problems. That's right I said two. One is compulsive gambling...which really is only a problem if he is losing. If he is winning I say keep it up. However, the REAL problem here has to do with honesty...or in this case trying to pull the wool over Dr. Paul's eyes. You may get away with that if you were dealing with a pansy like Dr. Phil, but not with me. Kohlbert Schmeeks??? Come on Rob, I wasn't born yesterday. Clearly your friend is actually Stephen Colbert. Don't try that again!



Blogger S.I. said...

I think Dr. Paul fell asleep in elementary Grammer class--I was not asking you how dumb English is, but declaring its dumbness. Thus you in in error, my dear PhD.

Still I must agree, you never know when an Italian girl will attack:-)

11:45 AM  
Blogger S.I. said...

Dr. Paul, is my dangerousness the reason why boys are too afraid to ask me out??? Man, if I had only known all along!!! Or perhaps, it's my nose fluting...but I really don't want to give that up!:-(

11:48 AM  
Blogger matthew said...

maybe the guys you know just don't have enough aggresive lion protons

12:52 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

When you look at it, hair, laziness, and growling are minute prices to pay for the amazingness Dr. Paul can provide. It worked for me!

1:15 PM  
Blogger Hooper said...

So let me get this straight - I'm going to be lazier, hairier, and more aggressive?

Man, I don't know - I'll never get anything done...maybe we should get together over zebra and discuss alternate treatment options.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this secure? I'm a little timid to be posting here, it's my first time, but I'm not a first time client. If you remember Dr. Paul I was one of your first patients to recieve, riceive, reiceve....get help. But I've begun to experience some side affects....side affects that have not been mentioned yet. For example, I was on the subway last night when out of nowhere I bit the pregnant chinese woman beside me, right on the arm. And then I started to uncontrolably honk like a gaggle of geese on the subway car. It was just like Rob Schneider.

Oh and the other day I noticed a patch of hair growing on my forearm, about the size of a timbit. I just assumed it was normal since I have many of these on my back, but it really disturbed me when it spoke to me. When I showed it to my 'special friend' he/she/it noticed there were gremlins dweling among the hair follicles.

I really need some help and some answers. and i struggle with bed wetting

3:53 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

LOL! this post is too funny. i think i shall have my fun, too:

Feb. 20, 2006.

Dear Dr. Paul,


I write this letter to you, good Doctor, out of the gravity of my conscience, and partially out of worry for myself. You see, Sir, I was born in the Chinese year of "the Lamb." Because of this fact, I think it will be impossible for me to receive the lion proton treatment as anecdote for my sub-atomic illness. 'Twould be like mixing the wrong blood types. Indeed I have read of such horrors...

Good Sir, I am a wealthy woman, and a patron for the Science of Medicine. Yet, I too, suffer from the horrors of sub-atomic illness. Isn't there any other alternate method of treatment for those of us of a shall we say more delicate constitution? (I DID read in the Soviet Journal of Medicine of other, more humane treatments...)

Naturally, one also begins to question the ethics involved in the creation of more aggressive lion-types in the world. Lions already have too much power in the Animal Kingdom. No one person should have that much power. And, I might add, lion-tamers are hard to come by. Oh do please reconsider. I fear that if you keep administering this treatment--however successful it appears to be-- we will NEVER be safe! We will here report after report of lion attacks from across the country. What will we do then?

Fortunately for me, I am psychologically "wealthy enough" to provide my own alter-ego body guard, The Warrioress, for myself, to keep me safe. But, I do so fear for the souls of other little lambs out there. One cannot ignore the facts, Doctor. At least not for long. Lions are dangerous.

Thank you for your reconsideration.


Barroness 'Jo Shephard,
Berlin, Germany

6:24 PM  
Blogger S.I. said...

can you get arthritis when you're 22? Friday my elbow hurt, and today my middle finger hurts. I'm serious!

11:48 AM  

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