Saturday, August 20, 2005

Super Friends and Superficial Friendships

     Recently I received in the mail some forms to fill out for the DBMD (District Board of Ministerial Development).  The first thing that stood out to me is the sheer length of the main form that I have to fill out.  I mean the thing has 82 questions on it.  Most of which aren’t questions that can be answered with one word.  But I suppose it is relatively important to ask them all.
     The second thing that I realized was how little people outside of my “main circle of friends” know about me.  You see there are also 3 forms that I am supposed to get filled out by people that know me.  They suggest that these people be a Theology Professor, the Vice-Chairman of your church board, and your pastor.  Unfortunately the Vice-Chairman barely knows me...and I really am not all that close to any of my professors.  
     So I’m left to wonder if maybe I need to be a little more “friendly”.  I mean I generally consider myself to be a friendly guy and usually try to be as much of an open book as possible...but maybe I am just being superficial with people outside of my “click”.  
     Of course, maybe that is how we are meant to be?  Perhaps we are supposed to have superficial relationships with certain people?  I’m not really sure where I am going with I guess I will stop there.


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